A three year old doberman dog was referred to the clinic with a history of purulent discharges which were noticed on the back region. Dog showed erosions, desquamation of skin with purulent exudates all over the dorsum region. Cytological examination of smears from the skin lesions revealed presence of mixed bacterial infection, presence of more number of neutrophils and free form parasitic infection. Condition was diagnosed as actinic dermatitis and treated with external application of povidone iodine and gentamicin ointment on the day of presentation. Dog was treated with tab. Enrofloxacin @ 5 mg/kg body weight, PO, capsule vitamin E 200 mg PO, along with daily dressing of skin lesions with ointment gentamicin, calamine, allontoin and vitamin E lotion. The skin lesions resolved after two weeks of therapy and complete healthy scar formation was noticed.