is Director of Research at School of Engineering and Digital Arts, University of Kent, UK. His research interest includes: On-line measurement of flow rate and size distribution of pulverized fuel; Advanced monitoring and characterization of combustion flames using digital image and signal processing techniques; Particle characterization of food grains using digital imaging & image processing techniques; and, Characterization and evaluation of fuel spray processes in internal combustion engines. He has been awarded more than 25 research grants with a total cash value of around £3.5million as a principle investigator since 1995. Dr Yang has in excess of 250 research papers including more than 20 papers in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. (esa)
is a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University Athinoula Martinos Brain Imaging Center, Principal Research Physicist and Technical Advisor at the Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB. He leads research projects on artificial intelligence, mathematical models of the mind, cognition and language, emotions and language, cognitive functions of the beautiful, sublime, and music, cognitive algorithms, dynamic logic, evolution of languages and cultures, neural networks. As Chief Scientist at Nichols Research, a $500mm high-tech organization, he led the corporate research in intelligent systems. He served as professor at Novosibirsk University and New York University; as a principal in commercial startups developing tools for biotechnology, text understanding, and financial predictions. He is invited as a keynote plenary speaker and tutorial lecturer worldwide at most prestigious venues including Nobel Forum Stockholm, published more than 430 papers, 12 book chapters, and 4 books, including "Neural Networks and Intellect". Oxford University Press, 2001 (currently in the 3rd printing), awarded 2 patents. Dr. Perlovsky participates in organizing conferences on Computational Intelligence, Chairs the IEEE Boston Computational Intelligence Chapter; Co-Chairs the IEEE Technical Committee on Neural Networks, Chairs the IEEE Task Force on The Mind and Brain, serves on the International Neural Network Society (INNS) Board of Governors, where he Chairs The Award Committee. He serves on the Editorial Board of eleven professional journals, including Editor-in-Chief for "Physics of Life Reviews" founded by Nobel Laureate I. Prigogine. He received National and International awards including the Best Paper Award 2001 from Zvezda, a leading Russian essayistic magazine; the Gabor Award 2007, the top engineering award from the INNS; and the John McLucas Award 2007, the highest US Air Force Award for basic research. His research interest include artificial intelligence, human-computer interface, mathematical models of the mind, cognition and language, emotions and language, cognitive functions of the beautiful, sublime, and music, cognitive algorithms, dynamic logic, evolution of languages and cultures, and neural networks.
completed his B.S. studies in Universidad de América (Bogotá-Colombia, 1989). He also received a master degree diploma focused on reservoir simulation from the University of Oklahoma in 1995 and a doctoral degree with emphasis in transient pressure analysis, from the same school in year 2002. All his degrees are in Petroleum Engineering. Dr. Escobar is a full-time professor (highest level- Titular) in the Department of Petroleum Engineering in Universidad Surcolombiana (Neiva-Colombia). He is also the director of a research group in transient pressure analysis, GIPP, with category A in Colciencias category. GIPP has received research funding for near US$2.4 million dollars. Dr. Escobar was in charge of the Vice Presidency for Research and Social Development of Universidad Surcolombiana, USCO. In that position he acted as Interim President during 23 times. He also held the position of Advisor for Engineering and Special Projects for the firm Hydrocarbon Services Ltd. and in charge of Well test, PLT and ILT Interpretation and Training Programs in Colregistros S.A. Since August 2011, Dr. Escobar works for Petrogroup- Training and Consulting Company as specialized consultant where he has mainly worked for CEDEX (Decision Exploration Center) of Ecopetrol. Dr. Escobar is Peer Reviewer for various journals of repute. He has supervised 56 B.S. theses degree and four M.S. Theses degree. He has authored and coauthored 60 papers which are indexed in the Colciencias ranking, 25 SPE papers, 27 articles in several Colombian journals, 3 articles in the Colombian Petroleum Conferences, two chapters in books and three research books and three textbooks. He also possesses an H-5 index in the Scopus database. He is also the Faculty Sponsor SPE student Chapter Universidad Surcolombiana since March 2003 and also he serves as member of the SPE Formation Evaluation Award Committee from Sep. 2013-Sep. 2016. He has recently developed a new technologic product which looks for reducing economic losses caused by closing the well for the determination of the average reservoir pressure. Dr. Escobar is a national peer review of Colciencias and CNA (Nacional Council for Accreditation. He was classified as Associate Senior according to Colciencias' classification. Dr. Escobar has made several important contributions to the field of reservoir engineering. Since the beginning of 2007, Dr. Escobar is an internationally certified instructor of Schlumberger-NExT.
is a Professor of Environmental Science and Technology and Coordinator, TIFAC, DST. He has been the principal guide for more than 130 academic projects at PG level, 15 PhD projects and at present guiding more than 17 PhD students in the area of Environmental Science and Technology, Geoinformatics, Remote sensing, GIS, GPS and Environmental applications. He published and presented more than 107 research papers on various themes of remote sensing and GIS applications to environment, land use/ land cover, spatial data analysis, water resources, transportation planning, watershed management and environmental modeling. He delivered expert lectures at University of Illinois- Chicago, University of IOWA, University of Chicago, Urbana and East West Centre, Honolulu in USA, Stockholm Water Company in Sweden, International Centre for Environmental Management for Enclosed Coastal Seas, Osaka, Kobe City in Japan, University of Florida- USA, Colorado University, Denver- USA and Universities of Philadelphia, USA and Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. (ewe)
has obtained Ph. D. in Soil Physics and Conservation, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Presently she is Research Scholar in University of Tehran. Her areas of research interest are Soil physics, Soil Hydraulic, Soil and water conservation, Soil management, Hydrology, Water management etc. She has contributed book chapters and published various research papers in journal of repute.
obtained his PhD and is a Mining geologist at Trepça mines – Mine with flotation Kizhnica and Artana. He was also Professor of Geology at University of Prishtina and later on at University of Mitrovica. He has got experience of more than 30 years in University of Prishtina and with abroad companies like ITT Kosova Consortium LTD, CSA-Ireland, TEC-Ingenierie-Franceand, Geological Consultant England & Canada, Mutafcic Dragon Tureky etc. He is member of Society of Economic Geologists - SEG (from 2003 onwards). He has written over 70 scientific publications in local and international magazines in the field of ore deposits geology (metallic and nonmetallic mineral deposit) and is author of two books.
Professor Emeritus D.Sc.(Tech.) is CEO Himtech Oy, Ollintie 4,Joutseno, Finland. He is Master of Science in Physical Metallurgy from Helsinki University of Technology and Doctor of Technology from Tampere University of Technology with thesis "Application of Statistical Models to Cyclic Work Hardening". He is Professor Emeritus (Design of Machine Elements) from Lappeenranta University of Technology. His present activities are consulting engineering and research work for industry, organisation of industrial projects and cooperative participation in ecodesign â??ecoenergy engineering projects and inventing. He is also second lieutenant from the Finnish Defence Forces, Artillery.
is Institute Chair Professor of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai. He served as Chairman of the prestigious Joint Entrance Examination (JEE 1998). He was elected a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) in 1999, a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IASc) in 2004 and a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) in 2007, the latest being the highest honor awarded to an Indian Engineer-Scientist by his peers. He is a recipient of the Burmah-Shell Best Paper Prize and was awarded the 1979 Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust (UK) Scholarship, the 1992-93 European Commission (EC) Senior Faculty Exchange Fellowship and, IIT-Bombay, on 13 March 2007, conferred the 2006 Professor HH Mathur Award for Excellence in Research in Applied Sciences in recognition of his outstanding work in the area of Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures. He also received the Khosla National Award 2009 for his life time achievement in the field of engineering. Prof Kant has published more than 120 research papers in refereed journals and about 140 in conference proceedings in diverse areas of computational structural mechanics. He has supervised 24 PhD theses and over 68 MTech dissertations. He has Research & Citation Standing in terms of H-factor of 18 on Web of Science. (esd)
has been a faculty in the Information Systems area of IIM Indore since 2002. He has obtained his PhD in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases from the School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK. He holds Master of Technology and Bachelor of Engineering degrees from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and Jadavpur University, Calcutta respectively. Prof Dey's research interests are Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases, Spatial databases, Data warehousing g, Decision Support Systems, Credit Scoring, Credit Risk Modeling and other aspects of Computational Finance. He has published research papers in various national and international forums on Data mining, Spatial data mining and Computational finance. Prof Dey carries with him rich industry experience from Hindustan Cables, Wipro Information Technology, CMC Ltd, BRI (Europe), British American Consulting Group and Halifax Bank of Scotland (UK). He has worked over 4 years in the Information Technology industry in India, and 10 years in UK and USA. He was in the faculty of the School of Computing, University of Leeds during 1999-2000. Since 1997, he has been running his own software company (registered in England & Wales) in UK and have been providing his services as an Independent Information Technology consultant to major commercial organizations in UK. His consultancy clients include: Paradeep Port Trust, Berger Paints, Indian Oil Corporation, Government of Bihar, Government of Madhya Pradesh, State Bank of India, Eastern Coalfields and Department of Electronics (Govt. of India) in India; London Underground, The British Library, Fujitsu-ICL (UK), Manufacturing Science & Finance, Barretts Group Plc., Kingston Communications Group Plc., Cerillion Technologies and Barclays Bank Plc. in UK; Savon Drugs Inc., American Stores Corporation and ALH Group Inc. in USA. He represented India in an international E-Governance Study Mission to South Korea and Japan organized by the Asian Productivity O rganization, Tokyo in 2005. (brr)
is Principal, L. N. College of Technology and Science, Bhopal, India. He has obtained his Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and law, Master's degree in Environment Engineering and Ph D in Civil Engineering. Dr. Nigam has experience of more than 20 years in Academics, Research and Consultancy & Engineering Design. He has also worked as Environmental Expert in World Bank and Asian Development Bank Funded projects. His research concern includes modeling and simulation studies, system design and evaluation studies using Artificial Neural Network and Time Series Modeling. His academic interest includes subjects of Environmental and Water Resource Engineering, Meteorology, and Highway Design environmental studies developments in environment engineering which includes Carbon Monoxide Modeling Studies, Rainfall Runoff Process Modeling etc. He has published many research papers in various international journal of repute.
obtained his PhD (Industrial Engineering Management) from ISM, Dhanbad, and M.Tech. (Mining Engineering) from IT Banaras Hindu University. Currently he is Principal, Govt. Polytechnic, Gaya, Bihar. He is also a Chartered Engineer (India), Mining Division by IE and specialized in preparing Mining Plans as per Mineral Concession Rules 1960 by Govt. of India. He has professional experience as Mining Engineer with Coal India Limited, Kolkata and Charki Mica Mining Co. Ltd., Kolkata and also has experience in academic organizations. His research interest includes Technology Transfer to Rural Areas/ Mining Environment. He has more than 30 publications in various journals of repute and conferences. He is also a life member of different professional societies of India.
received the Diploma degree in Electronic Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and the MSc in Radio Frequency Communication Systems from the Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK. Currently he is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Electronic Engineering Department of Queen Mary University of London and a Researcher at the Informatics and Telematics Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (ITI/CERTH). His scientific interests include image and video semantic analysis, content-based multimedia retrieval, search engines, human-computer interaction, patent search and environmental applications. Website link:
is Sr. Associate Professor at PG VLSI design, EC Dept. Nirma University. She did her Ph. D. in Testing of VLSI Design and M. Tech. in VLSI Design area. She has written one book with title Code based Test Data Compression for SoC Testing and published more than 60 research papers in various highly sited international/national journals and conferences. She is the conference chair of 3rd Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE-2012) which is being organized in collaboration with IEEE and Science Direct. She has also worked as Conference Co-chair for the 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Technology NUiCONE-2011 supported by IEEE. She was nominated for the Shayesta Akhatar Memorial National Award for Best Woman Engineering College Teacher for year 2010. She was the Session Chair at IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuit and Systems (APCCAS- 2010) at Kuala-Lumpur- Malaysia, Program Committee Member at The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks(CICN-2011), Gwalior-India, Program Committee Member of World Congress of Information and Communication Technologies (WICT-2012 & WICT-2011). She is also reviewer for many national and international conferences and books and organized ISTE approved, self financed Short Term training Programs and Workshops. She is having Membership of various organization like IEEE, ISTE, VSI, CSI, IETE and IEI (Applied for Membership) and her variety of Articles printed in various technical and non-technical magazines.
has been a faculty in the Information Systems area of IIM Indore since 2002. He has obtained his PhD in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases from the School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK. He holds Master of Technology and Bachelor of Engineering degrees from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and Jadavpur University, Calcutta respectively. Prof Dey's research interests are Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases, Spatial databases, Data warehousing g, Decision Support Systems, Credit Scoring, Credit Risk Modeling and other aspects of Computational Finance. He has published research papers in various national and international forums on Data mining, Spatial data mining and Computational finance. Prof Dey carries with him rich industry experience from Hindustan Cables, Wipro Information Technology, CMC Ltd, BRI (Europe), British American Consulting Group and Halifax Bank of Scotland (UK). He has worked over 4 years in the Information Technology industry in India, and 10 years in UK and USA. He was in the faculty of the School of Computing, University of Leeds during 1999-2000. Since 1997, he has been running his own software company (registered in England & Wales) in UK and have been providing his services as an Independent Information Technology consultant to major commercial organizations in UK. His consultancy clients include: Paradeep Port Trust, Berger Paints, Indian Oil Corporation, Government of Bihar, Government of Madhya Pradesh, State Bank of India, Eastern Coalfields and Department of Electronics (Govt. of India) in India; London Underground, The British Library, Fujitsu-ICL (UK), Manufacturing Science & Finance, Barretts Group Plc., Kingston Communications Group Plc., Cerillion Technologies and Barclays Bank Plc. in UK; Savon Drugs Inc., American Stores Corporation and ALH Group Inc. in USA. He represented India in an international E-Governance Study Mission to South Korea and Japan organized by the Asian Productivity O rganization, Tokyo in 2005. (ealg)
holds a Degree in Civil Engineering (magna cum laude), and PhD in Transports Engineering, is Associated Professor with The Department of Transport (DIMET) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Reggio Calabria. He is SIIV (Italian Society of Transport Infrastructures) and AIPCR (World Road Association) Member. He is author and co-author of many scientific papers relative to Environment impact assessment, road, railways and airport materials, quality of road materials issues, transport safety, studies of Environmental impact and processes of project optimization, railways knots, minor concrete constructions for road infrastructures, road maintenance and rehabilitation.
is Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology at Texas State University-San Marcos, obtained his M.S. in Construction Management from Washington University in 1998 and his Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from Washington University in 2004. Dr. Kim has extensive experience in structural design and consulting. His research interests include FRP materials, constitutive modeling of concrete materials with emphasis on failure and post failure behavior, high strength and fiber reinforced concretes, seismic retrofit of steel, concrete structures, and earthquake resistance of new structures.
PhD in Telecommunications. Graduated at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. He has wide working experience in computer networking & communications and issued collaborated on a number of research publications. Currently he is working with Telecommunications Company Telekom Srbija a.d.
is Associate Professor Institute of Agriculture Sciences, SAGE University Indore (M.P) received M.Sc. & PhD Degree in Botany, Department of Life Science from the DAVV Indore, India in 2006 and 2015 respectively. She achieve young women scientist award in 2011. She has 15 years’ experience in academics. She is the author or co-author of more than 42 research and review papers in various international refereed journals and more than 70 international and national conference contributions. She has published one text book and two edited book with ISBN number at national level. She has given several invited and plenary talks at conferences and seminars. She has coordinator of two Professional Student Chapter in collaboration with Agriculture Development society and research Culture Society. Dr. Smruti has advisory board member, editorial board member and reviewer in many international peer reviewed journals. She invited as keynote speaker and advisory board member in international conference organize by Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine Europe, in 2020. And as a session chair on ‘International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technological Innovations’ 2021, Bangkok, Thailand. Recently She got chance to take editorial board position in Acta Scientific Journal. She is life fellow member of International Journal of Biological science indexed by UGC and e IRC Scientific and Technical Committee. Her research interests in medicinal plants, life science; Botany and cover hydrobiology.
has obtained Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado and has done M.S. in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Tsinghua University, B.S. in Fluid Mechanics, Tsinghua University. At present he is Professor, Department of Mathematics in University of Texas and Director of Center for Numerical Simulation and Modeling, College of Science, University of Texas. His areas of interest are Numerical Analysis, Multigrid, Multilevel Adaptive Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Direct Numerical Simulation, Large Eddy Simulation, Flow Transition and Turbulence, Shock and Boundary Layer Interaction Control, High-order Numerical Scheme, Numerical Combustion, Software Development.
is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Botswana. He holds a B. Eng. and M. Eng. in Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, and is a PhD candidate under examination. He has more than 10 years of industrial experience and 6 years in academia. His research interests are in biofuels, bioenergy and manufacturing systems. He has more than 30 publications in international journals and conferences, and he is a reviewer and editorial board member of several international journals and conferences.
is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana. He has obtained Ph.D in Food Science and Engineering from Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China. Dr Abano is a Cambridge commonwealth scholar and has obtained MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development from University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, UK. He holds a BSc in Agricultural Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. His research interest areas are Microwave-vacuum and infrared drying of agricultural products, ultrasonic-assisted drying of roots and tubers, fruits and vegetables, drying of medicinal plants, assessing the sustainability of agricultural engineering designs and systems, designing appropriate technology for the roots tubers, fruits, and vegetables. Dr Abano has published more than twenty peer-reviewed research articles with 5 of them indexed by Science Citation Index and most of them listed in SCOPUS.
is associated with Faculty of Agrotechnology and Plantation, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Melaka) Kampus Jasin, 77300 Merlimau, Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah, Malaysia. He is specialized in Agriculture Automation and Farm Mechanization. He has got various scientific publications in his credit. He received various national grants from Malaysian government for pursuing agriculture technology research and actively involved as editorial board membership in international journal of scientific research publications. .
is PhD in Electronic Engineering, working at Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Electrical and Information Technology Department, Tehran. He has got professional experience in various research and academic organizations. His research interest includes Power Electronic & Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS), Renewable Energy Research, Photovoltaic System, Space Research, Simulation and Modelling of Dynamic Behaviours of Power Sources. He is recipient of several awards and has published/ presented various papers.
is head Department of Mathematics, Government P.G. Degree College, New Tehri, Uttarakhand, India. His Fields of specialization involve Multi-Scale Differential Geometry & Tensor Analysis, Non- negative matrix and tensor factorization, Computer Algebraic system (e.g., MATLAB and MAPLE) programming for tensor factorization.
is a senior lecturer at the Computer Engineering Department , College of Engineering, University of Baghdad. He was also associated with various Academic institutes and companies in past years. He obtained his Doctorate in Computer Engineering from Universiti Sains Malaysia. He had done the M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from University of Baghdad. His research interests are: Distributed System and Parallel Processing, Information Security and Cryptography, Digital Signature and non-repudiation Protocols, Algorithm Design and Combinatorial Explosion Solving, Computer Networking, Software Engineering, Software Testing and Automation, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Wireless and RFID Protocols, Computer Architecture, Web and Mobile Applications. He has various publications as books, thesis, journals, Invited IEEE Tutorials. He is associated with various committee like: Iraqi Union of Engineers, Cisco Networking Academy, Software Engineering Research Groups, AIDL Research Groups. And also honored by different Awards, Medals, Patents, and Grants.
is research scientist at Centre for Signal Processing and Communications, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Canada. His research interests include Signal processing for wireless communications (e.g. beamforming, direction-finding, multiuser detection, equalization, CDMA, OFDM, MIMO, UWB, cognitive radios, wireless sensor networks ) Wireless communication systems (e.g. 3G, 4G) RF and microwave systems, antennas Softcomputing including neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy logics Pattern Recognition (e.g. biometric recognition such as face or fingerprint recognition) General signal processing (e.g. digital filtering, speech, image, and vedio coding) intelligent transportation systems, smart grids, intelligent healthcare, Wireless sensor networks. Currently, he is an affiliate associate professor at Concordia University, and the chief scientist at Enjoyor Labs in China. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE.
is Head, Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Rangsit University, International College, Thailand. His research interest includes the fundamentals of computer vision and its application, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Human & Computer Interaction, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition. Recently, he is focusing on applying computer vision technology to virtual reality and augmented reality. He has published several refereed international journal papers, and delivered his talks at various international conferences (IEEE, LNCS and ACM) in many places in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. He has been interviewed to appear on Discovery Channel TV Program worldwide in the topic of augmented reality research.
is Assistant Professor; Department of Automation, Applied Informatics and Computer of the University of Petrosani, Romania. His research interest include Sensorless vector control of electrical drives, Systems identification, Design methods for control systems, Nonlinear system theory and Signal processing.
is working as Assistant Professor at CoE-CRT, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. He received his Ph.D and M.Sc in Civil Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan for which he was ranked outstanding and was awarded best research thesis medal and prize from the University of Tokyo. He also completed his Ph.D in a record short period of just 2 years. He has authored around 100 publications in the last 5 years of his research tenure and has received several awards, prizes and distinctions throughout his research and academic career. His research interest is in the corrosion of steel reinforced concrete.
Ashish Runthala is Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) Pilani, Rajasthan, India. His research interest includes Protein Structure and Conformational Details, Protein Structure Prediction, Biomolecular Structural Assessment, Bioinformatics, and Structural Proteomics. Primarily, he is interested in the knowledge based refinement of existing protein structure algorithms, to model protein sequences through promising scaffolds of reliable known conformations.
is Faculty Member, Department of computer, Institute of Higher Education, Naghsh-e-Jahan,Isfahan, Iran. Her area of interest include Intrusion Detection in wireless Network, Wireless Communication, Cellular wireless networks, Congestion control in wireless networks, Routing in wireless networks, Network Security, Network Architectures etc.
is an Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran. His research interest include: Stochastic processes, Analysis of algorithms and random trees (with combinatorial approach)
is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, USA. Dr. Bagui's primary research areas are database design, web databases, data mining and statistical computing. Dr. Bagui has published many journal articles and co-authored several books.
is a Professor at Key Laboratory for the Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources (Ministry of Education of China) and School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering of Guangxi Normal University. His research interests include the separation, synthesis, and investigation of the biological activity of natural compounds.
is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Arab Academy of Science & Technology, and Alexandria University, Egypt. He has earlier worked at Kuwait University and University of Manitoba (Canada). His area of interest includes: Experimental Fluid Mechanics; Lubrication; and, Energy, Environment and Pollution. He has supervised 5 Ph D and 13 graduate students and published nearly 100 papers. (ewe)
is Senior Lecturer Power System Department, Electrical Engineering Faculty, \"Gheorghe Asachi\" Technical University of Iasi, Romania. He has published over 10 books and 150 papers in various aspects of power systems. His research interests include especially Artificial Intelligence's applications to monitoring and optimal control of power systems.
is a faculty member at School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. She has earlier worked at IIT-Madras & IIT-Guwahati. Her Research focus includes: VLSI and Embedded Systems, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Neural Networks, Biometrics and Robotics. She has guided 3 Ph D and 11 Master's students and published/ presented over 50 papers. (ev, er)
is a faculty of Biomedical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai. An MBBS and Ph D, she pursued her Post Doc from University of California. Her research interest includes: Surface biophysics in medicine; Lung surfactant system and development of effective replacement surfactants; Development of indigenous herbal based drugs; Monolayer models of biomembranes; Cryogenic Electron microscopy; Hemorheology and microcirculation; Viscoelasticity of body fluids and its stimulants; Liposomal drug delivery systems; and, Biomaterials. (ebe, enb)
is Assistant Professor at Department of Energy Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He has earlier served at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune (India) and Research Center Juelich, Germany. An M Sc from prestigious Vishwa-Bharati University, Shantiniketan, he earned his Ph D from Technical University, Aachen, Germany. His research interest includes: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, Hydrogen generation and storage, Renewable energy sources. (eep)
is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Alexandria University, Egypt. An alumnus of Oregon State University, he has earlier worked for â?? Cairo University, EI Du Pont Company, University of Riyad and Beirut Arab University. He has been consulting to â?? Alexendria Consuming Corp, Port Saâ??eed Container Handling Corp and Damieta Container Handling Corp. (er)
is associated with Laboratory of Remote Sensing & GIS, Department of Soil Science Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran. His area of interest includes Application of fuzzy set, fuzzy logic and fuzzy expert systems in soil science, Application of Artificial Neural Networks in soil science, Data Mining, Continuous classification in soil survey, Evaluation of land resources, Geostatistics and spatial variability, Landscape Modeling, Pedometrics and Geo?mathematical, GIS and Remote Sensing.
is an assistant professor in the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received a bachelor degree from University of Washington (2000) and a doctoral degree from Purdue University (2004) both in chemical engineering. His current research interests are in the area of pulmonary drug delivery with emphasis on dry powder inhaler formulation of therapeutic nanoparticles, antibiotic aerosol formulation to treat pulmonary biofilm infections, spray-drying and spray-freeze-drying productions of nano-scale solid dosage form, and modelling of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. He has published more than thirty peer-reviewed journal and conference articles in various areas of pharmaceutical engineering and particle technology. Email: